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Man on the Ice

The Rex Saunders Story

Man on the Ice

Flanker Press


16.95 CAD

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“This is going to be a good day out in boat,” said Rex Saunders, a sixty-six-year-old sealer from St. Lunaire-Griquet, NL, before heading out to the icefields on May 4, 2009. Later that day, the cold and unforgiving waters of the Atlantic Ocean nearly claimed another victim after his boat capsized. He had phoned his wife mere moments before the mishap and told her to expect him home in an hour, but now the sealer found himself stranded and alone on an ice floe. There he spent the next two nights, miles from shore and armed only with a flotation suit, a five-gallon gas can, and his faith. Man on the Ice is the autobiography of Rex Saunders, a man of faith who grew up on the rugged shores of the Great Northern Peninsula. His battle with the elements made national headlines when this everyman-turned-hero stared death in the face while waiting for a miracle he knew would come.

Saunders tells his amazing story with both aplomb and pathos. It’s a rousing testimony to great stamina and unremitting faith in a time of severe personal distress.-- Carbonear Compass --
[Man on the Ice is] a well-focused sketch of his life, from the days of his hardticket boyhood, through decades of facing the vicissitudes of a fisherman’s life, through – as he titles one chapter – trials and tribulation that include the agony of a gangrenous foot and six – count ‘em, six! – back surgeries.-- Southern Gazette --
A riveting account, filled with missed chances, hallucinations, prayers, bone-chilling temperatures and frozen clothing.-- Atlantic Books Today --

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