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Bill Rowe

Bill Rowe

Sabrina Whyatt

Sabrina Whyatt

Gary Collins

Gary Collins

J. A. Ricketts

J. A. Ricketts

Jim Wellman

Jim Wellman

J. P. Andrieux

J. P. Andrieux

Peter J. Cashin

Peter J. Cashin

Linda Abbott

Linda Abbott

Raoul R. Andersen

Raoul R. Andersen

T. C. Badcock

T. C. Badcock

Dawn Baker

Dawn Baker

Captain Robert A. Bartlett

Captain Robert A. Bartlett

Mireille Baulu-MacWillie

Mireille Baulu-MacWillie

Kathrine E. Bellamy, RSM

Kathrine E. Bellamy, RSM

Jeremy Bennett

Jeremy Bennett

Cassie Brown

Cassie Brown

Lillian Bursey

Lillian Bursey

Heather Stemp

Heather Stemp

Paul Butler

Paul Butler

William R. Callahan

William R. Callahan

Dale Cameron

Dale Cameron

The Central Coast of Labrador Archaeology Partnership

The Central Coast of Labrador Archaeology Partnership

Edward Roberts

Edward Roberts

Norman Doyle

Norman Doyle

Darrell Duke

Darrell Duke

Robert Corbett

Robert Corbett

John K. Crellin

John K. Crellin

C. Anne MacLeod

C. Anne MacLeod

Karl Wells

Karl Wells

Earl B. Pilgrim

Earl B. Pilgrim

Garry Cranford

Garry Cranford

D. R. Tarrant

D. R. Tarrant

Darrin McGrath

Darrin McGrath

Clarence Vautier

Clarence Vautier

Ed Smith

Ed Smith

Gordon Walsh

Gordon Walsh

Derm Duggan

Derm Duggan

Stephen E. Bruneau

Stephen E. Bruneau

Susan Chalker Browne

Susan Chalker Browne

Wayne Chaulk

Wayne Chaulk

Harold Chubbs

Harold Chubbs

John Clarke

John Clarke

Candace Cochrane

Candace Cochrane

Cynthia Colosimo

Cynthia Colosimo

Clayton D. Cook

Clayton D. Cook

Freeman B. Cull

Freeman B. Cull

David Dawe

David Dawe

Tom Dawe

Tom Dawe

M. T. Dohaney

M. T. Dohaney

Frances Ennis

Frances Ennis

Maxine Ennis

Maxine Ennis

Marg Ewtushik

Marg Ewtushik

B. D. Fardy

B. D. Fardy

Five Island Rug Hooking Group

Five Island Rug Hooking Group

Michael F. Flynn

Michael F. Flynn

Frank Galgay

Frank Galgay

Anne Galway

Anne Galway

Ada J. Gillard

Ada J. Gillard

Roderick B. Goff

Roderick B. Goff

Raymond Goldie

Raymond Goldie

H. Gordon Green

H. Gordon Green

Cyril W. Greenham

Cyril W. Greenham

Ray Guy

Ray Guy

W. Gordon Handcock

W. Gordon Handcock

Maura Hanrahan

Maura Hanrahan

Lloyd Hollett

Lloyd Hollett

Tonya Hughes

Tonya Hughes

Robert Hunt

Robert Hunt

Greta Hussey

Greta Hussey

Irish Connections Rug Hooking Group

Irish Connections Rug Hooking Group

Lisa Ivany

Lisa Ivany

Dale Jarvis

Dale Jarvis

Paul J. Johnson

Paul J. Johnson

Ed Kavanagh

Ed Kavanagh

Wade Kearley

Wade Kearley

Scott A. Keating

Scott A. Keating

Kim Kielley

Kim Kielley

David Liverman

David Liverman

Paul O'Neill

Paul O'Neill

Jillian Nicol

Jillian Nicol

Stephen Nolan

Stephen Nolan

Kerri MacDonald

Kerri MacDonald

Kevin Major

Kevin Major

Willis P. Martin

Willis P. Martin

Michael McCarthy

Michael McCarthy

Gerald Mercer

Gerald Mercer

Elizabeth Miller

Elizabeth Miller

Shirley Murphy

Shirley Murphy

Hilda Chaulk Murray

Hilda Chaulk Murray

Maggie Rose Parsons

Maggie Rose Parsons

Robert C. Parsons

Robert C. Parsons

Brian Peckford

Brian Peckford

Gwendolyn Poole Molnar

Gwendolyn Poole Molnar

Ron Pumphrey

Ron Pumphrey

Kevin Redmond

Kevin Redmond

Bert Riggs

Bert Riggs

Philip Riteman

Philip Riteman

Bill Rompkey

Bill Rompkey

Sheilah Roberts

Sheilah Roberts

Geraldine Chafe Rubia

Geraldine Chafe Rubia

Ted Russell

Ted Russell

Johanna Ryan Guy

Johanna Ryan Guy

Shannon Ryan

Shannon Ryan

Chesley W. Sanger

Chesley W. Sanger

Rex Saunders

Rex Saunders

N. W. Sheppard

N. W. Sheppard

Harvey Short

Harvey Short

Blanche Smith

Blanche Smith

Carmel Smith

Carmel Smith

Bruce Stagg

Bruce Stagg

Nellie P. Strowbridge

Nellie P. Strowbridge

Todd Warren

Todd Warren

Steve Watson

Steve Watson

Winston C. White

Winston C. White

Byron White

Byron White

Valerie Wiseman

Valerie Wiseman

Dr. Alan F. Williams

Dr. Alan F. Williams

Eric R. Witcher

Eric R. Witcher

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore

Johnson Family Foundation

Johnson Family Foundation

Tara Fleming

Tara Fleming

Rex Brown

Rex Brown

Dwayne LaFitte

Dwayne LaFitte

Thérèse Cilia

Thérèse Cilia

Frank Gogos

Frank Gogos

Antony Berger

Antony Berger

Marie-Beth Wright

Marie-Beth Wright

Kevin Phillips

Kevin Phillips

Deborah Cranford

Deborah Cranford

Michael R. Cormier

Michael R. Cormier

Chris Ryan

Chris Ryan

Sydney Frost

Sydney Frost

Winston Oldford

Winston Oldford

Stewart Payne

Stewart Payne

Miles Frankel

Miles Frankel

John Gillett

John Gillett

Autism Society, Newfoundland and Labrador

Autism Society, Newfoundland and Labrador

Allan Byrne

Allan Byrne

Nix Wadden

Nix Wadden

Colleen Lewis

Colleen Lewis

Jennifer Hicks

Jennifer Hicks

Victoria Barbour

Victoria Barbour

Nigel Cave

Nigel Cave

Leonard Lahey

Leonard Lahey

Trudi Johnson

Trudi Johnson

Samantha Rideout

Samantha Rideout

Melanie Martin

Melanie Martin

Frank Pitts

Frank Pitts

Wilfred Grenfell

Wilfred Grenfell

Geoff Peddle

Geoff Peddle

Carolyn Morgan

Carolyn Morgan

Jackie Alcock

Jackie Alcock

Rosalie M. Lombard

Rosalie M. Lombard

Gerhard P. Bassler

Gerhard P. Bassler

Janice Drover

Janice Drover

Hubert Furey

Hubert Furey

Grandpa Pike

Grandpa Pike

Adrian Payne

Adrian Payne



Fred Humber

Fred Humber

Bob Wakeham

Bob Wakeham

Ted Drover

Ted Drover

Sheilah Mackinnon Drover

Sheilah Mackinnon Drover

Tom Drodge

Tom Drodge

Ida Linehan Young

Ida Linehan Young

Beaton Tulk

Beaton Tulk

Brian Callahan

Brian Callahan

Laurie Blackwood Pike

Laurie Blackwood Pike

Nicolette Little

Nicolette Little

Helen C. Escott

Helen C. Escott

William C. Malone

William C. Malone

Roger Simmons

Roger Simmons

Glen Carter

Glen Carter

Tom Gruchy

Tom Gruchy

Donna Kearney Adams

Donna Kearney Adams

Carolyn R. Parsons

Carolyn R. Parsons

Testy Author

Testy Author

Tom Moore

Tom Moore

Dr. Andrew Peacock

Dr. Andrew Peacock

Angie Green

Angie Green

Tonia Evans Cianciulli

Tonia Evans Cianciulli

Calvin D. Evans

Calvin D. Evans

Kenneth G. Pieroway

Kenneth G. Pieroway

Corey Majeau

Corey Majeau

Justin Barbour

Justin Barbour

Bruce Templeton

Bruce Templeton

John Northway Leamon

John Northway Leamon

Carl English

Carl English

Blake Murphy

Blake Murphy

Nick Cranford

Nick Cranford

Emily Hepditch

Emily Hepditch

Trudy Stuckless

Trudy Stuckless

Boyd Chubbs

Boyd Chubbs

Craig Goudie

Craig Goudie

Samantha Baker

Samantha Baker

Terry Ryan

Terry Ryan

Susan Flanagan

Susan Flanagan

Keith Mercer

Keith Mercer

Harry Ingram

Harry Ingram

K. Bruce Lane

K. Bruce Lane

Bruce Whiffen

Bruce Whiffen

Mac Moss

Mac Moss

Leo Furey

Leo Furey

Patrick J. Collins

Patrick J. Collins

Kelly Earle

Kelly Earle

Barry Porter

Barry Porter

Karen Lundy

Karen Lundy

Christopher Tobin

Christopher Tobin

Fred Dyke

Fred Dyke

Glen G. Goobie

Glen G. Goobie

Jane Crosbie

Jane Crosbie

Natalie Carter-Giles

Natalie Carter-Giles

Judith M. Doucette

Judith M. Doucette

Rebecca Reid

Rebecca Reid

Bill Coultas

Bill Coultas

Mitchell D. King

Mitchell D. King

Jim Scott

Jim Scott

Jay McGrath

Jay McGrath

Robert Lundrigan

Robert Lundrigan

Terry Carlson

Terry Carlson

Jillian McCarthy

Jillian McCarthy

Ed Roche

Ed Roche

Reg Sherren

Reg Sherren

The Newfoundland Turnip

The Newfoundland Turnip

Alex Hickey

Alex Hickey

Ron Pollet

Ron Pollet

Gordon Pinsent

Gordon Pinsent

Gareth Mitton

Gareth Mitton

Canada Post Strike

Canada Post Strike

Emma Dooley

Emma Dooley

Michelle T. Clemens

Michelle T. Clemens

About Flanker Press
Turning pages since 1994

Flanker Press is a bright spark in the Newfoundland and Labrador publishing scene. As the province’s most active publisher of trade books, the company now averages twenty new titles per year, with a heavy emphasis on regional non-fiction and historical fiction.

The mission of Flanker Press is to provide a quality publishing service to the local and regional writing community and to actively promote its authors and their books in Canada and abroad.

Now located in Paradise, Flanker Press has grown from a part-time venture in 1994 to a business with eight full-time employees. In the fall of 2004, Flanker Press launched a new imprint, Pennywell Books. This imprint includes literary fiction, short stories, young adult fiction, and children’s books.

Flanker Press Ltd.
Unit #1 1243 Kenmount Road, Paradise, NL              A1L 0V8

TF: 1.866.739.4420

Tel: 709.739.4477

Fax: 709.739.4420

The Latest
Always something new

29 Mar, 2025
Book Launch - Tilly the Too-Tall Clover

03 Dec, 2024
50% off all Flanker Press books for the month of December (in office sales only)
03 Dec, 2024
Canada Post Strike
10 May, 2024
Flanker Press and Rink Rat Productions are excited to announce that the Operation book series by Helen C. Escott has been optioned for film and television!

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Please review our following guidelines for submitting fiction and non-fiction manuscripts to be considered for publication.


We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation for our publishing activities.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $157 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country. Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 157 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.