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Antony Berger

As a boy, Tony Berger spent summers in Lomond where his mother, Ella Manuel, ran a sports fishing lodge. Since then, he has been a frequent visitor to and sometime resident in Woody Point. After finishing his studies in Nova Scotia, Australia, and England, he taught geology at the University of Toronto, the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, and Memorial University. He played a key role in founding several worldwide organizations dedicated to strengthening science in developing countries, and in the 1980s, he edited an international news journal for the earth sciences. Since then, he has been closely involved in scientific projects assessing contemporary rapid landscape change, researching the response of past societies to environmental disasters, and developing linkages between medical science and geology—soils, minerals, and water. Since retiring to Atlantic Canada, he has been involved in local community activities, including Writers at Woody Point, and has guided tours by bus across the island and by ship around the province. In the past two decades, Tony has worked closely with Gros Morne National Park, most recently in compiling and analyzing photographs that record the changing landscape of the park. He is the author of some ten scientific books and monographs and many journal articles. His international experience aside, his heart remains in Bonne Bay.

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